Additional rules
1. If your dog poops in our yard, pick it ALL up, tie the bag in a double knot, and throw it in the black garbage can that you pass on your way out. If your dog has mushy poop (you should probably examine their diet), please pick up as much as you can without ripping out the grass, and then use the hose to spray the spot so it won’t attract flies.
2. If your dog shows any signs of illness within 72 hours of your appt, you must cancel. This includes puking or diarrhea.
3. Please brush your dogs thoroughly before bringing them to our pool.
4. Do not let your dog eat anything from our yard. We have bearberry trees and the fruits can give dogs a tummy ache.
5. No dogs on the furniture.
6. No glass containers. No smoking. No drugs.
7. Don’t park in my driveway.