Audible (in the distance) from occasional barking by neighborhood dogs.
The Club is private use, ONLY - with access/use restricted to registered **Club Guests and Members and dogs from the SAME household, ONLY - at a maximum of three (3) dogs and 3 guests from same household allowed per booked session. At least one (1) Club Guest must be an adult (18 years of age or older). Minors must be accompanied by an adult at all times within the Club field and on campus.
Dogs must be a minimum of 8 weeks old.
**Limited exceptions to this policy may be considered by Club Manager, not guaranteed, and must be approved in advance by Club Manager.
**Field use/sessions with unregistered dogs, unregistered guests, and amongst dogs from different households is NOT permitted.
**Limited exceptions to this policy may be considered by Club Manager, not guaranteed, and must be approved in advance by Club Manager.
The Club field is located on the campus of St. Richard's Episcopal Church. Private use sessions combined with the location of field, entrance gate, and designated Club parking, as well privacy screening along Club fencing, are designed to ensure minimal to no encounters with others dogs or people.
14% of guests saw/heard
Designed for private play
Only the people and dogs in your booking are allowed in the spot during your visit.