Hunterdon Off-Leash Dog Area
Rules & Regulations
The following rules/regulations are intended to supplement and not supersede public laws of the Township of Raritan:
1. The Hunterdon County Off-Leash Dog Area is open to the public from dawn to dusk, daily.
2. Users must abide by all Rules and Regulations governing the use of Hunterdon County Parklands and must comply with the directions of County Personnel.
3. Children under ten (10) years of age are not permitted within the fenced enclosure. Children between the ages of ten (10) and fifteen (15) years of age are permitted within the fenced enclosure, under close adult supervision. Children sixteen (16) years of age and older are permitted within the fenced enclosure without adult supervision.
4. Use is limited to two dogs at one time, per person. Please limit use to 30 minutes.
5. Dogs showing unacceptable behavior towards people or other dogs must be leashed immediately and removed from the area.
6. Puppies under six months of age are prohibited.
7. Dogs must be spayed or neutered.
8. Dogs must wear flat-buckle collars, displaying a valid license and current vaccinations tag.
9. Users must properly secure access gates and leash their dogs prior to entering and upon leaving the off-leash dog area. Users must carry a leash for each dog within the fenced enclosure, at all times.
10. Users must clean up after their dogs.
11. Rawhide and other dog food products are prohibited within the fenced enclosure.
12. Food and beverages (for human consumption) are prohibited within the fenced enclosure.
Users are responsible for any damage caused by dogs, including, but not limited to: digging, scratching, chewing, and illness, including damage to the off-leash dog facility, access pathways, and parking areas, vehicles, property, and pedestrians.
Park hours: Dawn to Dusk